Disease that often makes people irritated at night because it is difficult to sleep soundly. The disease is often referred Insonemia.Penyakit insomnia often make no nyanyak in his sleep. Causes of Insomnia Insomnia can be caused by attack of all ages. Nevertheless, the incidence of insomnia increases with age. This may be caused by the stress that often get attacked by someone older. In addition, women are said to be more often suffer from insomnia than men.
Apart from the problem of stress, insomnia may also occur because there is a problem in your food. Another thing that can cause insomnia is the atmosphere of rooms that do not support, anxiety, until the consumption of caffeine excess.
How to overcome insomnia
1. Regular exercise Exercise regularly. Some studies mention exercising regularly can help people experiencing problems with sleep. Exercise should be performed in the morning and not a few minutes before bedtime. With exercise, your health becomes more optimal, so the body can fight stress that comes with better.
2. Reduce consumption kaffein Minimalisasikan intake of caffeine such as tea or coffee. If you want to consume it, do it in the morning, or at least 4 hours before bed at night. Caffeine consumed too close to bedtime will only hinder the arrival drowsiness.
3. Notice mealtimes You must pay attention to the meal, give a minimum of two hours before going to bed after eating the last meal for dinner. Distance eating too close to bedtime even enhance metabolism and body temperature, making sleep more difficult. In this way, you can also keep your weight, remember to sleep after a big meal will be a lot of storing fat.
If you really hungry, choose snacks such as cereal grains mixed with milk, tofu, oatmeal, or bread sprinkled with sesame. Still, given the distance of at least one hour before bedtime because tryptophan is also needed time to stimulate the brain.
4. Eat carbonated beverages at bedtime To be able to sleep well, your body needs trytophan or what is often referred to substance sleeper. Trytophan, which is a type of fatty acid, works to produce serotonin, which can relax the nerves in the brain centers. When the brain is relaxed, you will more easily fall asleep with a good quality.
Trytophan widely available in foods berkabohidrat light. Muffins, crackers, or fruit can be used as a solution. But do not get too full, your digestion will be burdened with having to work hard to digest, so the rest you can not be maximized.
5. Do activities that make you uncomfortable to sleep You can start by pouring scented oils on the diffuser, hot shower, set your favorite song or lining the bed with a blanket of comfort. At bedtime, turn off the lights, turn off the things that make noise, make sure you are comfortable with the room temperature your sleep. Keep the clock of your views because it can make you anxious because they can not sleep while the clock more soluble.
6. Bed only for sleeping If you want to read or watch tv should do in other places so that when you go to bed, 'alarm' in your body immediately reminded that this is the time to sleep. This will help your body adjust to the environment in which to sleep. When you lie in bed, it will arise stimulus for sleep.
7. Clear your mind Clear your mind. Get rid of all the worries that upon your mind. One way to do this is to write down all your thoughts through the media blogs.
8. Sleep and wake up in a period of regular Sleep and wake up in a period of regular time each day. Sleep time of chaos will disrupt sleep time your next.
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