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Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Premature Ejaculation Not Expected

Satisfaction in berhubangat be a very in desire by all couples. Satisfaction in hububgan can be reached if the two couples were satisfied to assist each other in achieving satisfaction in touch, but if a man reaches climax rapidly and the couple have not been able to make the woman asked if her partner has premature ejaculation? The term premature ejaculation may not be as famous as erectile dysfunction. Men who experience ejaku! Asi early still able to achieve an erection and have sexual relations although ejakulasinya happened too quickly. Prof. Wimpie Pangkahila explained that there are actually some understanding adopted by the experts about premature ejaculation, namely: 1. Limitation of premature ejaculation is based on a certain time during ejaculation. 2. Premature ejaculation is determined by how many times a guy can do movements when having sex before ejaculation. 3. Premature ejaculation is defined as the inability to hold ejaculation until their partner reaches orgasm. 4. Premature ejaculation is determined by whether or not the man capable of controlling ejaculation to occur as they wish. Under the terms of the fourth, it means the inability to control premature ejaculation ejaculation resulting in a short time, which does not comply with his desire, while his own ejaculation is semen ejection events out of the blue that marks the climax for men. The fourth sense that now seems more acceptable. Some Causes of Premature Ejaculation Premature ejaculation does not come by itself in men, but there is cause. "There are psychological causes such as prolonged stress, habits like fast finish when having sexual intercourse," said Prof. Wimpie Pangkahila. Not only that, further Wimpie Prof. Pangkahila is Professor of Faculty of Medicine Udayana University explains, "There is a physical cause less functioning primarily inhibits serotonin functioning." Impaired control ejaculation nerves that regulate events are also thought to be the cause of premature ejaculation. Unfortunately, men with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation is generally experienced. Conversely, men with premature ejaculation can ultimately experience erectile dysfunction. Lightweight Weighing Premature Ejaculation It turned out that premature ejaculation is different. Premature ejaculation can be divided into three types based on severity, ie mild premature ejaculation, premature ejaculation is moderate, and severe premature ejaculation. Premature Ejaculation Type: 1. Lightweight: Ejaculation occurs after several short friction. 2. Medium: Ejaculation happens after the penis into the vagina. 3. Weight: Ejaculation happens once the penis touching the outer female genitals and ejaculation occurs before the penis touches the outside of the female genitals. Whatever type of premature ejaculation experienced by both men and women will feel dissatisfied because the ejaculation occurred within a very short time outside the will so that the sexual relationship must end. Impact of premature ejaculation Want to heavy or light, which would cause premature ejaculation sexual intercourse took place not in harmony. In premature ejaculation, disharmony and even caused dissatisfaction on both sides. Men who experience premature ejaculation are not satisfied because the sexual relationship lasted a very short in spite of himself. Although able to achieve orgasm, men experience premature ejaculation also feel very disappointed for not being able to sexually satisfy their partner. Especially if their partner expresses disappointment in the form of reaction to blame the patient. "Men who experience premature ejaculation is often stressed, insecure, inferior, and ashamed of her partner. In the old times erectile dysfunction can occur. SPOUSE certainly disappointed, dissatisfied, annoyed, angry, and finally experiencing sexual dysfunction such as loss of sexual desire , "explained Prof. Wimpie Pangkahila. Furthermore, the reaction that arises is feeling afraid or worried every time they had sexual intercourse. This feeling will only worsen the state of premature ejaculation. If this situation continues, then eventually he was able to experience erectile dysfunction. Women who have experienced premature ejaculation couples generally do not reach orgasm because of the sexual relationship ended. Disappointment that arise later can be turned into annoyance with fear every time they had sexual intercourse. Further consequence could be loss of sexual drive and dyspareunia (pain that happens during intercourse). Premature Ejaculation make Infertile? In the community have been circulating the wrong assumption that if ejaculation occurs too quickly, it means that sperm can not be disturbed so impregnated. Obstacles pregnant again become a new problem that aggravates the problems arising from premature ejaculation. Prof. Wimpie Pangkahila deplores the wrong myths about premature ejaculation, "Premature ejaculation is often considered a disorder of fertility, but not so. Premature ejaculation is considered a dilute sperm, but it is not clear what the term meant" watery "." "Premature ejaculation has nothing to do with fertility. So long as the pregnancy can only occur sperm into the vagina. But in severe premature ejaculation, the ejaculation occurs outside the vagina, pregnancy does not occur," explained Prof. Wimpie Pangkahila. If it turns out that men experience premature ejaculation also experience disruption of sperm, it means there are two separate disorders, rather than a cause and effect. Sperm disorders may be caused by many things, among others because of infection in the testicles or other reproductive system, testosterone deficiency, widening the walls of blood vessels around the testicles, and vitamin deficiencies. How to overcome premature ejaculation? First of all advised to do sex therapy. If sex therapy does not work, then do the second way is using drugs. Drug used to treat premature ejaculation is a powerful drug that controls ejaculation. There are several types of drugs that can control ejaculation. "Depending on the cause. For many reasons related to serotonin function, it is necessary drugs that regulate serotonin function, said Prof Wimpie Pangkahila. Furthermore, Prof. Wimpie explains, "Drugs such as, class SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). However, note the side effects, because the drug is not the-counter medicines." But given these drugs have side effects, so its use should be under the supervision of a physician. As explained above, there are medications to control ejaculation. If premature ejaculation caused by impaired erection, then by improving erectile function, ejaculation can be slowed. So erectile dysfunction drug is useful if premature ejaculation is caused by impaired erection. Another treatment is by way of operations against the nerves that control the occurrence of ejaculation. But the third way, although never carried out in certain countries, until now it was not popular and not widely used. "Regarding supplements, many of which claim to be able to cure premature ejaculation but without any clinical test results," said Prof. Wimpie Pangkahila. So if you want to try to take supplements, be sure to supplement those provided evidence based clinical trials have been conducted. "I wish there were significant test results with the results, we need to analyze what the content in it. And they must know whether the researcher is competent to do it. If only supplements such as vitamins, may not be able to overcome premature ejaculation," said Prof. Wimpie Pangkahila. Try Sex Theraphy Sex therapy, which is done to control ejaculation conducted with the help of his wife. Basically the way this is done through a few steps. 1. The husband or wife masturbate who suffer premature ejaculation with husband's position lying on your back, until the husband feel like orgasm and ejaculation. 2. At the time of her husband feel like orgasm and ejaculation, the wife did the penis with an emphasis on using the thumb, forefinger and middle finger, for a few seconds to prevent the occurrence of ejaculation. 3. Wife to husband to masturbate erection sufficient occur, then immediately put it into your wife's vagina in a position above without doing the movement. When her husband was going to ejaculate, the wife immediately lifted her and made an emphasis on the penis as in step two. Furthermore, repeated stimulation with masturbation, and continued with the sexual relationship as above. 4. Done after a few days to do the above exercise. In this step, the husband was allowed to do under pressure to maintain the erection during sexual intercourse with the wife's position at the top. 5. Done when the husband was better able to control ejaculation. In this step the couple can have sexual relations with the side position. If this position is able to hold ejaculation husband, then sex can be done in the husband's position at the top.

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